Wednesday 22 January 2014

Adhd Coaching Programs For Living A Normal Life

Improving The Quality Of Life for People with ADHD

Adults with ADHD can have a number of symptoms which can cause difficulties in their daily functioning. Some things they have in common are inconsistent memory, impulsivity, difficulty concentrating, time manage ment challenges and sometimes learning disabilities that can affect their quality of life in their career, work, or home life.

Our coaching services at Boston MA Business Coach primarily focus on those who are doing well in many aspects of their life but have challenges in certain areas of their life or work.

Work Challenges

Oftentimes people with ADHD have difficulty with some of the following areas:

Not consistently on time for work or meetings
Difficulty in organizing themselves so waste a lot of time
Difficulty in finding important documents
Oftentimes procrastinating
Perfectionistic tendencies
Have a lot of great ideas but don't act on them
Do not devote enough time to building relationships
Make excuses or twist truth to cover up
Do not think/communicate with others before acting / Act impulsively
Low self esteem

At Boston MA Business coach we understand what people with ADHD or ADD are going through. We know that people want to get help but oftentimes do not like being branded as having a disability or being perceived as less than whole.

We also know that by doing nothing about your ADHD or ADD you are not living up to your full potential.

One of the reasons that I enjoy working with people with ADHD is that they tend to be the most creative, intelligent, and interesting people, who, in my opinion, with help, can achieve whatever life they desire, if they get help to manage their ADHD.

In fact, research has shown people with ADHD have a different brain type than those without ADHD. Once you understand more about your brain type, learn more about the options for treatment and the ways to adapt and structure your life-then you can begin to improve your self esteem, confidence, and get control over your future.

Contact Wayne Kessler, your Boston MA Business Coach to learn more at 781-325-8186, or learn more at
ADHD Coach

Friday 10 January 2014

Increasing Productivity Levels With Business Coaching Programs

Growing A Business

Small and medium business owners today face many challenges to sustain their place in the markets. There are various external factors which affect the growth of a business that cannot be controlled but one thing that can be controlled is the efficiency and effectiveness of the people who work for your business. A business coaching program primarily focuses on improving the potential of individuals and businesses for reaching their goals more quickly and effectively.

How Business Coaching Can Help With Increasing Productivity Levels

Time Management-employees can learn how to better structure their day/daily tasks. They can learn how to use a calendar, schedulers and other paper or digital aids to be more productive.

Procrastination-they can learn to be more aware of, and in control over the desire to put off actions, and need for perfectionistic tendencies

Planning-They can learn to use planning and strategy in their daily lives

Memory-They can begin to understand how memory works and develop memory aids to assist them.

Delegating/Supervising-They can learn effective supervisory skills so they can be better managers, help their supervisees grow, foster better retention and loyalty, as well as getting the best work out of the employees in their work unit.

Organizing-they can learn how to set up a system for organizing that works for them and keep them working as efficiently as possible.

Self Esteem- they can begin to develop better work habits and more clearly understand job expectations so they can rise to the challenges of their job, and in turn, feel better about themselves.

Emotion Regulation-they can begin to see how their emotional state impacts others and ultimately how their own career and work situation is shaped by their ability to manage their emotions so that they can make rational, well thought out decisions.

Work/Life Balance- they will learn how to better balance life and work so that they can separate out each, and not let one affect the other in a negative way.

Building on Strengths- Each person will take stock of, and learn more about how to tap their own unique strengths and challenges. At Boston MA business coach we take a strength-based approach to all those we coach. We assess the strengths of each individual and work with them to build on those strengths to address any challenges they may be facing.

Boston MA Business Coach Founder, Wayne Kessler, is a Licensed Social Worker, and certified coach who has many years experience providing caring and confidential assistance to employees-so we are aware of the challenges facing people at work or home. Call Wayne today to learn more about our Business Coaching Programs at 781-325-8186.